Sunday, July 12, 2009

Back on Blogger

So.. seems I haven't touched my blog since October, 2008! How utterly, thoroughly disheartening! It sure didn't seem that long, but.. like they say, "Time flies when you're having fun!" Since my last post, my son has gotten 6 teeth, learned to crawl, and learned to walk! I have spent 5 weeks in TnT, 1 week in Florida, 7 weeks in Malta, and even relocated to Malta as of the ending of April.. See how much stuff hasn't been documented?!?

I've decided to revamp my Blog, because it's the one space where I can say whatever I want without inadvertently offending/distancing/irritating/worrying/invoking-righteous-indignation-of the masses on Facebook. If you come here, chances are, you're interested in what I have to say. If it bothers you, then leave. Old habits die hard, I guess.. so.. even if I have a certain point of view, if I know that someone else is comfortable with theirs, it's not my purpose/job/motive/intention to steer them away from what they hold dear. I'm very conscious that one of the most precious gift given to humans is that of influence, and I'm uber paranoid about how I use mine.

Anyways.. I have a blog that I'm itching to write.. So.. I'll stop with the meandering preamble, and start seriously writing SOON!

P.S. Seems that my blog title was prophetic.. I began it while still in Trinidad, trying to write a thesis, and knowing that I would soon move to Denmark. I stayed in Denmark for a while, but the pull of Malta was too strong, and here I am, 2 years later. Who knows where I'll be writing from as time goes by?

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