Monday, July 2, 2007

Back in Denmark

Right folks, so.. I left Denmark on Nov 11th, and I've finally returned on June 29th. Things look pretty much the same, here. And the bread and pears are working their MAgic. Did you know that I've got six windmills in my neighbourhood? Yep.. Denmark is RAbid about windmills and green energy, and is the largest producer and exporter of windmills. There's even an island (Samsø) whose inhabitants accepted the challenge of consuming renewable energy, and contributing 0% to the CO2 load of the planet. And they're DOing it.. Quite remarkable.

I guess I'm still somewhat jetlagged, cuz I feel tired at the strangest times.. Either that, or it must be coming off my celibacy diet :D Well.. That's all for now.. I'm not in the most happening parts of Denmark (a house down a country lane has a reed-covered pond and swans in the back yard), so.. nothing hot and juicy should be forthcoming for a while!

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